His last painting at the age of 90. It was said that he painted all night, the night he died. We can see the profound despair of those eyes, as well as his stoic surrendering... … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Picasso was … a genius.

No one can doubt about that.

Of course … there are people saying that they don’t like his art … but everyone can see his uniqueness.

But … i dare to ask … why the hell his perceptions change so … so much?!

Why we see that profound despair?!

What is the meaning of it?!

What can such a painting whisper to us?!

Why such a big difference?!

What changed by the passing of time?!

Maybe experiencing life … we’ve wasted ourselves getting scared so, so much … and into the final end … in front of death to live even with a stronger fear in the soul.

… the worst of all.

Realising … in fact … that maybe we’ve experienced all … but we haven’t understand anything.

And … we are still afraid.

Or maybe we were so afraid of that dark side from inside of us … that all becomes a non ending nightmare.

Expecting … as something even worst to happen.

… waiting for death.

A much uglier Universe … than that of fear where we’ve lived so many times.

Not knowing anything …. will come.

… but living only … scared.

In fact … very scared.

Dominated … by extremely powerful negative emotions.

Maybe at 15 … Picasso was scared too.

… but not hopeless.

At 90 … there is indeed nothing to hope for.

All is different.

And … i understand him.

Most certainly … we prepare ourselves … for the unknown …. seeing all as … a profound darkness.

Today … i wonder it this fear is not related to that fear we experienced while exploring the darkness from our souls?!

So … is that what is going to be … after death?!

Maybe … is just a wrong perception.

But … i still feel that the perceptions of a young man of 15 … and of an old men and 90 … are so, so different.

Like in Picasso’s paintings …

Download the book ”The dark side … of the human being

philosophical & spiritual essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com

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